The Place of Restoration (VSL)
December 17, 2024
Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and let a willing attitude control me.
I must learn to enjoy Jesus in my heart. Enjoying an indwelling Lord is essential to proclaiming a living Christ with my mouth.
How long have you been with God in the inner study with an open Bible, and waited on Him? There, your weakness could have absorbed His strength, and His power and peace have calmed your restlessness and feverishness, and your impatience have taken in the grace and patience of the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Breathe through the heats of our desire Thy coolness and Thy balm." ¹
My heart is heavy with intense emotions and confusion. I pray for divine intervention to quiet my mind and bring inner peace. If I could but feel a breath of His presence, my mind would be soothed and calmed.
"Drop Thy still dews of quietness till all our striving cease; take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of Thy peace."²
Psalm 23: He prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
Communion with God is an urgent need of my soul. I thirst for the living water only the living God can provide. My soul desires his constant fountain of life, light, and love.
To see God's face and be seen by Him - I would come into His presence, and my thirst would be satisfied.
Hope in God! In the morning, after a dark and troubled night, I seek His face and hope to be saved from my sadness. I search for the Words that put scorn on my laughing enemies. With all my heart, I desire for joy to be restored, the chains to be removed, and my prison walls shaken. Hope then in God. Seek His presence and be restored. Sow in your heart His words which "grow laurels of future victories, the roses of coming joy, the lilies of approaching peace." (Spurgeon)
I ask for my heart to be healed and restored and receive Your perfect peace. I ask for the oil of joy to be my portion. I put on the garment of praise, worshipping and honoring You. I receive freedom from all oppression in the name of Jesus!
¹"Dear Lord and Father of Mankind," written by John Greenleaf Whittier ² Ibid