The Place of Renunciation (VCL)
December 16, 2024
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah! He has blessed us in the Messiah with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm.
He *has blessed* us. Paul was not writing about something that may be ours when we get to Heaven, but right now, I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Understand that He has given us all blessings *now*; it is all ours to enter into and enjoy.
Some of these blessings:
- forgiveness of our sins
- justification from all things
- sanctification in Christ
- a robe of perfect righteousness
- a heavenly citizenship
- a place in the Body of the Messiah
- heirs of His riches through the Messiah
Paul writes that my blessings are secure in Heaven, and He calls me in the Spirit to rise to my heavenly citizenship and live in this world as a heavenly man should live. I may draw from God all the resources I need to be more than a conqueror daily as I walk my life path.
I am sitting in heavenly places *in* Christ Jesus not only when I am happy and productive but when I am oppressed with the trials and tribulations. Christ is in the heavens, and God sees me in Him. I am blessed in Him, and all the treasures of Heaven are available to me. I am to draw on them as I need them so that I may be strengthened and rejoice as I go forth in His service in this life.
Allow the cross of Christ Jesus to be impressed on every part of you. Galatians 2:19
Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in union with the Messiah Jesus.
We all reach a point in our lives when the Lord tests the reality of our acceptance of the position God has offered in Christ Jesus. I must believe that Jesus has done it all for me. I must believe He has not left one sin, habit, or failure of my life undealt with. I must believe that in Christ Jesus, all my sins and failures have been disposed of once and for all. I must believe that, and then I am to consent my will and heart to the Spirit of the living God indwelling in me to make this transaction real.
John 15:1-2 I am the true vine, and my Father is the vintner. He cuts off every branch that does not produce fruit in me, and He cuts back every branch that does produce fruit so that it might produce more fruit.
The Spirit of God must write the lessons of His Word deeply in my heart, so deeply that I can proclaim them. I am dependent entirely on the Spirit of God to convict my heart and conscience and make this truth tangible and dynamic in my experience.
As a child of God, no matter how weak, I am in a position, potentially, of complete and absolute victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God must write the lessons of His Word deeply in my heart, so deeply that I can proclaim them. I depend entirely on the Spirit of God to convict my heart and conscience and make this truth real and dynamic in my experience. Come to the place of absolute renunciation of everything that the Spirit of God reveals to you that is contrary to His will. Ask Him to make Calvary's cross real in your soul, whatever it may cost you.