The place of our oneness with Jesus Christ
December 20, 2024
The place of our oneness with Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection is where we come to understand that He is in us to be our life and our victory and to meet our every need. Yet, there is still a force within our own personality, some weakness of temperament or character. Or a force outside of yourself in families and relationships that have a stronghold on you. How can these forces and strongholds be overcome?
Hebrews 11:30 By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days.
By faith, we may be entirely sure of God's providence and His gracious and powerful presence. We have to come to the place where we are prepared to admit that some things in this life are too big for us and that the enemy's power is too great. If our "Jericho" is to fall, God must be the One to somehow bring it about. Before God entrusts us with a real measure of spiritual power, victory, and blessing, He brings us to a place where we have surveyed our Jericho to the point that we see that its conquest is hopeless. If you think you can go it alone, the omnipotent resources of God in Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord, cannot help us.
There will come a time in your life path when you will understand that any victory comes when you get to the place where you fully admit in His presence that you can’t win your battles yourself. "Oh Lord, I am absolutely helpless."
Link yourself in your weakness and helplessness to the omnipotent power of God. Wait on Him and listen for His voice. Fervently pray, and you will see the enemy begin to be afraid.