Maintain a Winning Record (VCL)
December 24, 2024
1 Timothy 6:11-12 Pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the faith. Keep holding on to eternal life, to which you were called and about which you gave a good testimony in front of many witnesses.
There must be a conflict between corruption, temptations, and the powers of darkness. Eternal life is the crown offered for our encouragement. We are called to lay claim thereon.
Learn to conquer and possess all that is ours in a Risen Lord.
We have learned critical lessons:
- disobedience and prayerlessness mean inevitable defeat
- obedience, constant watchfulness, and utter reliance on the Lord ensure victory.
Faith, action, and ruthless, uncompromising, daring warfare will result in total victory.
I must be uncompromising in my testimony, courageous in my faith, and holy in my life. I must stand in awe and reverence by the presence of God, righteous in conduct, uncompromising in principles, passionate in my devotion to my Savior, sacrificial in my service, transparent in my life, bear the closest scrutiny of my strongest critics from which I would come out unscathed, a holy one of God continually.
How can this be true of me? How do I achieve this lofty list? The answer is found in:
- The place of Remembrance - Remember that all your sins were settled once and for all at Calvary's Cross
- The place of Resurrection - the place where reproach has been rolled away
- The place of Renunciation - Believe that, in Jesus Christ, all my sins and failures have been disposed of once and for all.
- The place of Restoration - Commune with God and drink of the living water that only the living God can provide
- The place of Realization - Realize that all my resources are to be drawn from a risen, victorious Lord.
- The place of Revelation - Know the true character of your warfare.
Maintain these places in your heart and motivations, and you will hold the secret to the power of a victorious Christian life.
Joshua 10:25 Don't fear or be dismayed! Be strong and courageous because this is how the Lord will treat all of your enemies whom you fight.
Declare with confidence, war on everything in your life that is sinful, every crippling thing in your Christian testimony such as jealousy, pride, a critical spirit, a harsh tongue - conquer the enemy in the name of Jesus.