Living to Capacity (VCL)
December 29, 2024
Joshua 17:18, but the hill country will also belong to you. Even though it's a forest, you will clear it and possess it to its farthest borders. You'll drive out the Canaanites, even though they have iron chariots and even though they're strong.
This verse is about faithfulness to the Lord and constant, persistent endeavor after holiness of life.
Personal Note: These daily devotionals are truly my own daily devotional. It's what I'm working through myself each day. Today's entry is somewhat disjointed, so I must post these bits and pieces without much continuity.
Here are the questions I'm asking myself today:
- Are you living to capacity right where you are?
- What are you doing about it where you are, in the lot given to you?
- What about the trees in your life that mar your vision, block your progress, and rob you of your victory?
- How does my heart expand to receive more and more of Jesus?
Alan Redpath's Commentary on this verse: He will keep you where you are until you have occupied and lived to capacity just there, and until - in the place in which you are serving, in the lot that He has given you, up to the capacity of your heart for Christ - the enemy has been vanquished. The call of the Word is the constant, relentless, personal, ceaseless call to conflict and conquest. "Cut down the wood," says the Word of God. Faith must strike at the root of sin; the dead wood must go. The seeming impossibilities that face us are only to show what God can do to answer our faith, for within us is all the power of His indwelling Spirit.
Cut down the trees in your life that mar your vision! If I fail in the small portion allotted to me now, God can never trust me with anything greater.
In the light of the Cross of Christ:
- the enemy has no right to dwell in you
- his claim to your life was taken from him at Calvary
- sin has no right to a foothold in the life of the child of God
- Satan has no power in the presence of Omnipotence
- by His blood and His resurrection; Jesus Christ is pledged to destroy the enemy utterly.
- The indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, there is strength for every temptation, grace for every trial, and
- power to overcome every difficulty
When by His power I have possessed my present sphere and have overcome the enemy where I am, He will enlarge my opportunity.
Prayer, "O God, make me more like my Savior. Increase my capacity and increase grace but go before me to cut down these trees that mar my vision and root out the sin in my heart that allows the enemy to continue 'dwelling in the land'
Let the capacity of my heart and the understanding of my mind increase as the years go by.
The capacity to receive the grace of God and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit is measured by the character of your obedience and your faith.
Get rid of the thing that robs you of victory, and grace will be poured into your life.
Desire greater obedience, discipline, faith, and fuller and more complete allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ, and your capacity will be unlimited. You will grow in it.
Christian growth depends on whether we expand spiritually and receive more grace. Therefore, we may be entrusted by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with a greater sphere of service, opportunity, and testimony.