Learn to Live in the Land of Blessing
December 30, 2024
Joshua 18:3 How long will you delay taking possession of what the Lord has given you?
Secrets of how to live in the land of blessing
Perils to Avoid
Within a Christian, a fountain of life must be discovered. Pressing into that land of blessing means self-denial and sacrificing worldly habits and sins. There is no time to take a breather. No war is won on furlough. Do not cease expecting God to do great things.
Principles to Follow
Love the Lord your God, hold fast to the Lord your God (Joshua 23:8). Guard against apostasy, which results in defeat, discomfort, and disgrace.
- Obedience (Joshua 23:6) Do not neglect prayer, Bible study, and time alone with God.
- Separation (Joshua 23:7-8) Keep transparently clear of worldliness
- Devotion to God (Joshua 23:11) Love the Lord your God. Take heed to love. Love is the greatest safeguard against walking carelessly, prayerlessness of spirit, and coldness of heart.
Privileges We May Enjoy
Love is of God - God is love
John 4:14. Whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never become thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become a well of water for him, springing up to eternal life.
John 14:21 The person who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by My Father, and I, too, will love and reveal myself to him.
To enjoy salvation and living in spiritual power to the full is a great blessing.