Good Managers of God's Grace
January 11, 2025
1 Peter 4:1-2 Therefore, since the Messiah suffered in mortal body, you, too, must arm yourselves with teh same determination, because the person who has suffered in a mortal body has topped sinning, so that he can live the rest of his mortal life guided, not by human desires, but by the will of God.
The strongest and best arguments against sin are taken from the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah. He died to destroy sin, and though He cheerfully submitted to the worst sufferings, He never gave way to the least sin. Temptations could not prevail were it not for man's corruption, but true Christians make the will of God the rule of their lives and actions, not their passion or desires. And true conversion makes a wonderful change in the heart and life. It alters the mind, judgment, affections, and conversation. When one is truly converted, it is deplorable to him to think how he spent his time in the past.
Quickened to Divine life by the Holy Spirit, live to God as His devoted servant. Let not believers care, though the world ridicules and criticizes them.