Step Four: Take Thoughts Captive

Step Four: Take Thoughts Captive

November 16, 2024

2 Corinthians 10:5-6 The weapons of our warfare are not those of the world.  Instead, they have the power of god to demolish fortresses.  We tear down arguments and every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive in order to obey the Messiah.  Once your obedience is complete we will be ready to reprimand every type of disobedience.
Examine your thoughts and if you find that they are not of faith, then those thoughts must be dealt with.  The battle for our lives is waged in our minds.  If Satan can get us to react emotionally, then he has us sidelined.  This is why taking every thought captive and dealing with the things that are bringing you down, like bitterness and anger, etc. immediately is so important.
If you find yourself saying, "Why, God?" you are at a point where you have allowed your circumstances to overwhelm and traumatize you.
Instead of saying, "Why, God?" say, "take my thoughts captive, O Lord!"   When you say this by faith, God is faithful to remove confusion, doubt, fear and anger and fill you with His peace and His strength.
There is a chain reaction that occurs from our thoughts:
Thought > emotions
emotions > desires
desires > actions
Catching your negative thoughts and dealing with them quickly requires constant discipline and effort and it *is* hard.  But I have found that it is the only way that works.   This brings us back to Romans 12:2 where we are urged to renew our minds.  Don't allow your wild thoughts and emotions to rule.  They only lead to confusion, discouragement and depression.
Philippians 4:8  Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is lovely, whatever is pure, whatever is acceptable, whatever is commendable, if there is anything of excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy - keep thinking about these things.
Note:  I must include here a exhortation to not shove negative thoughts and feelings back into that hidden chamber of your heart.  The reason they may have come to mind is that it is something the Lord has shone a light on that you need to allow Him to deal with.
O Lord, You have shone the light on some issues in my life that have not been properly dealt with.  The result is anger and bitterness that will never go away.   I desperately do not want to be angry or bitter.  I know that it grieves Your Holy Spirit for me to be that way.   Since You have shone Your Light on this, I give it to You now and trust that You will lead me into the correct way of dealing with it once and for all.

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To Know Him and to Make Him Known