Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy
January 19, 2025
Psalm 126:5-6 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goes forth and weeps bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
We Harvest What We Plant
Galatians 6:7-9 Be not deceived; God is not mocked. A person harvests whatever he plants: The person who sows through human means will harvest decay from human means, but the person who sows in the Spirit will harvest eternal life from the spirit. Let's not get tired of doing what is good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest - if we do not give up.
Sow seeds of mercy and loving-kindness. Manifest the goodness of God so that He is magnified. Live under the guidance and influences of the Holy Spirit; a life of faith in Jesus Christ abounds in His graces, and you will reap life everlasting.
In a fuller, deeper sense, the sower in tears is the Man of sorrows himself. Believers know him thus. He has accomplished, in the sore travail of his soul, the seed time of affliction which is to bear its satisfying harvest when he shall again appear as the reaper of his own reward. He will fill his bosom with sheaves in that day of joy. The garner of his gladness will be filled to overflowing. By how much his affliction surpassed the natural measure of human grief, when he underwent for our sakes the dread realities of death and judgment; by so much shall the fulness of his pure delight as the eternal blesser of his people excel their joy (yet what a measure, too, is there!) whose sum of blessedness is to be for ever with the Lord. —Arthur Pridham, in "Notes and Reflections on the Psalms", 1869.